Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sweet Talker

For those of you who are good in sweet talking, you may have something better than these...
For those who can't sweet talk your (potential) girls... u may want to consider these:

Man: Are you an Interior Designer?
Woman: No. Why?
Man: When I saw you enter, the room became beautiful.

Man: Are you religious?
Woman: Yes, why you're asking??
Man: Good, because I'm the answer to your prayers.

Man: How is your fever?
Woman: What fever?
Man: Oh.. you just look so hot to me...

Man: Can I get a picture of you to prove to my friends that angels do really exist.

Man: Wow! How did you do that???!!!
Woman: Do what?
Man: Look so good...

Man: Does it hurt?
Woman: What?
Man: Falling from heaven..

Man: Aren't you tired?
Woman: Tired of what?
Man: Running around in my mind..

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