Monday, November 19, 2007

Lee Soo Young!

Third exam was today... The level of difficulty was expected but I've realised that I've made some mistakes :( arghhhh...I feel so tired and bored of study -_____-"
My last one will be next week though... still... I havent started reviewing/studying at all! -.- Let me forget about my exam for a while :P

Recently, I've been listening to Lee Soo Young's songs... She's a great Korean singer... her voice and songs just fit my taste :)
She's won some awards in Korea and everytime she won them, she cried out loud on the stage :'( so touched when she did...
Well she's won quite many (I suppose) of them, so she should expect to win next time haha... no need to cry again then :|

I started to search for her songs after I watched her participating in a Korean game show called xman... she was sooo funny when she participated in the segment "Dayunhaji" (meaning "Of course") :)
I didn't know that the girl in that show was actually Lee Soo Young, the singer of "I believe" that was debuted in 1999. I actually had listened to some of her songs before but since I didn't know the singer (err I think because I can't recognise the singer's face from their voices) so I didn't know that she sang one of my fave songs haha
Then after I found her accidentally from some random K-MVs, I started to search for more of her songs...

To share a bit.. this one is a nice one (at least for me ^.^v)...
I can't wait to get her whole album tonight :D

Lee Soo Young - Secret/Bi Mil

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow nice song and great MTV too. Although I am slightly confused by the storyline -.- Good stress relieve music for me right now, thanks :)