Friday, January 11, 2008

The Fact: I'm UNEMPLOYED now!!!

Today I just feel like blogging....
My Internet connection here in Indonesia isn't that good eventho I've used the broadband so I blog mainly offline and upload them when I'm online...

Today I started to think again if I waste part of my life here now, doing nothing...
I promised myself to continue thinking seriously of what I really wanna do in the future, about business opportunities here in Indonesia, about how I can improve my dad's business etc...
But it seems all those promises meant nothing...I didn't do much...what I did was spending my dad's money and had a lot of fun...
Hehe it's not that I hate doing that but I also have some conscience that I have to watch my spending and think about more useful things that I should do during my holiday...

My shares aren't doing well, I have credit card bills to pay, I have rent fees and Internet that I need to manage there while I have no income whatsoever...
When I think over what other ppl said to me when I told them I would like to continue doing my master degree, I somehow agree a little bit with them... Of course I didnt regret what I've done so far tho coz I think I've learnt something new and that would benefit me in the future...
But what I agree with them was that I missed my experience that I could get if I didnt take my master degree in the first place...
Like now, I've been unemployed for almost 1 year...(I know at least I've been doing my study during this time so I can't say Ive wasted my 1 year fully hehe)

Did I do something good or something useless?

My bro said working in Indo would be different from working in Aussie. The people are different. The culture is different. The salary is indeed DIFFERENT. The environment would be a lot different. But should I get experience in Aussie despite the fact that I have to go back to Indo for good later on?

My tutor once said Indonesian students thinking of getting work experience in Aussie before going back to Indonesia is just an excuse of feeling reluctant to go back to Indo...
Well I still think it's a valid excuse. Moreover, I think having experience of difficulties in other country will mean a lot when we start working in Indo for real. It will develop our communication skills as well I believe...
PLUS we should learn how people from a more advanced country work so that we can start developing our own nation. Isn't that right?

Hehe I'm thinking too much hey? I know I can't turn back time to 1 year ago...I just need to think forward and there's nothing to regret :-)

1 comment:

Zen said...

Debbie, I think people who don't work overseas before going back to Indo are missing out on a lot of thing. It's not just an excuse.

For us computer scientist/software engineer, all the 'technical' skills can be found on the net. What makes us different from people in Indonesia, if not for the working environment?

PPL work with a very professional attitude here. Guys on top also know how to manage their business. They don't run their business like a giant shop (like most small-medium business owner do in Jkt), they run it like a real business.

Going overseas and not learning the administrative/business aspect of their culture, is such a waste of experience!! Especially seeing how the oz economy is doing so well (compared to others) these days.

just my 2 cents!!